Theme : CD Navigator v4.2 keys and commands summary Author: Tomoga Janos E-mail:; Web : Update: 02.21.1998. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can get more information about functions of CD Navigator in program, just press F1 key after start. You can configure startup variables with editing CDN.INI file. Use a simple DOS text editor, you find instructions in that file. If you want CD Navigator to speak in your language, please read LANGUAGE.TXT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group Panel Keys: ----------------- F1 - Help F2 - Save current disk image to current group. F3 - F4 - Turn on the Keyword Panel. F5 - Show SCAN screen. F6 - Rename disk or group. F7 - Make new group. F8 - Delete disk or empty group. F10 - Exit CD Navigator. Dir Panel Keys: --------------- F1 - Help F2 - Save current disk image to current group. F3 - View a file or play a track (if the disk in the source drive). F4 - Turn on the Keyword Panel. F5 - Show SCAN screen. F6 - Edit note of the current file (RIGHT do the same). F7 - Clear all notes. F8 - Delete note of the current file. F10 - Exit CD Navigator. Ins - Mark file Keyword Panel Keys: ------------------- F1 - Help F2 - Add keyword settings to file and show next one. F3 - Search files with specified extension, belongs to activated keywords. F4 - Turn Keyword Panel off. F5 - Search OR (Turn on DOS and Game keyword. Program will list files with keyword DOS or Game. Other keywords may be turned on, but DOS or Game have to turned on.) F6 - Search AND (Turn on DOS and Game keyword. Program will list files with keyword DOS and Game. Other keywords may be turned on, but DOS and Game have to be turned on.) F7 - Search ONLY (Turn on DOS and Game keyword. Program will list files with keyword DOS and Game. Other keywords have to be turned off.) F8 - Clear Keyword Panel. F9 - Change keyword set. F10 - Exit CD Navigator. Ins - Mark keyword ALT Keys: --------- ALT-F1 - Help ALT-F2 - Change Searched Item ALT-F6 - Turn on/off AutoLoad function When AutoLoad on, load disk at simple cursor movement (work only with keyboard). ALT-F7 - Change temporary directory ALT-F8 - Change source drive ALT-F9 - Turn screensaver on ALT-F10 - Change data directory CTRL Keys: ---------- CTRL-F2 - Make statistics about current group (and its subgroups). CTRL-F5 - Copy marked files from Directory Panel to temporary directory. (if the disk inserted.) CTRL-F6 - Print contents of current group or directory. CTRL-F7 - Save notes, keyword settings, name and note of the disk, and note of the audiotracks(if there will be on the disk) to SOURCE drive. CD Navigator search this file (CDNINFO.NOT) at scan automa- tically and read data to fill properties of the disk. (For CD makers.) CTRL-F8 - Identify inserted disk (search in database). Other keys: ----------- Esc - Show DOS screen. Right - Edit note of the current dir entry CTRL-Home - Jump to Main group or Root directory from anywhere. CTRL-E - Restore the last searched string in command line. CTRL-L - Switch showed information in Information Box. CTRL-K - Switch showed information in Group Panel. CTRL-End - Stop CD player ALT-X - Exit program ALT-N - Sort by name ALT-E - Sort by extension ALT-S - Sort by size (Dir Panel) or by strorage place (Group Panel) ALT-D - Sort by date ALT-T - Sort by time (Dir Panel) or by type (Group Panel) ALT-C - Copy note of current file to clipboard ALT-O - Overwrite note of current file from clipboard ALT-I - Insert string in note of current file from clipboard ALT-A - Append string to note of current file from clipboard ALT-+ - (ALT-plus) Mark all files in the current directory ALT-- - (ALT-minus) Unmark all files in the current directory ALT-L - Change program language (english/hungarian) The SEARCH sreen, searching in program -------------------------------------- Usage: Just type the searched string and press enter. Example with 'MOV': mov - Search MOV anywhere in the string. *mov - Search MOV at the end of the string. mov* - Search MOV at the start of the string. **mov - Search exactly the MOV string as filename (diskname etc.) *.* - List all contents. Logical search usage: Type logical operator between two strings in lower case (!). For example: flo and avi or - Search flo OR avi (flower.gif,big.avi,flower.avi) and - Search flo AND avi (flower.avi) not - Search flo but NOT avi (flower.gif) You can stop searching with SPACE key. Useable keys after this: F1 - About the program F2 - Change searched item F3 - New searched string F4 - Begin a new search F5 - Copy the highlighted founded file to temporary directory. F6 - Print founded items. F7 - Print founded items to file !FOUND.TXT in temporary directory. F8 - Jump the file or disk. (ENTER do the same) F10 - Exit SEARCH procedure. The SCAN screen, scan source disk --------------------------------- Press F5 key in main screen. Scan screen allows you to change the following options or start some procedures: F1 - Start LoadText procedure. It load a DESCRIPT.ION type text file and make a CDN type database from it. (see example.txt) You can use this procedure to make virtual disk images. F2 - Save scanned disk image. F3 - Change scan level, the directory depth of scanning. F4 - Start Scan More procedure. Use it to scan a big amount of disk (floppies). F5 - Start a normal Scan procedure. F6 - Change Note Level. F7 - Change Note file. (CD Navigator can read notes from these DESCRIPT.ION type files.) F8 - Change source drive. F10 - Exit Scan procedure. ALT-A - Turn on/off AutoData function and fill its data. (Set AutoData parameters in CDN.INI file.) ALT-Z - Turn on/off OpenZip function. CD Navigator can open compressed files and make a 60 character length note from FILE_ID.DIZ file if this option ON. (Set Zip parameters in CDN.INI file.) Command line parameters: ------------------------ Usage: cdn searched_string [/switch1] .. [/switch5] /F - Search filename /N - Search filenote /A - Search audiotrack /D - Search diskname /O - Search disknote /? - Parameters summary If there is no switch then use default parameters defined in CDN.INI file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- END